Travel & Tourism Industry

Travel & Tourism Advisory Committee

The Travel & Tourism Advisory Committee was established in September 2020 to provide industry-specific insight to the Department of Economic & Tourism Development and County Commissioners of Queen Anne’s County.

In March 2021 the first appointed members of the committee were approved and a kick-off meeting was held in April.

Appointed Members:

  • Delores Jones – Kent Island Resort
  • Katharine Bonner – Retired, Group Travel Industry
  • Derek Janes – Chesapeake Bay Beach Club
  • John Anderes – Queenstown Harbor Golf Course & Cottages
  • Michele Brink-Pringle – Youth Sports
  • Gail Owens – Stories of the Chesapeake Heritage Area
  • Brian Truitt – Patriot Acres Brewery
  • Eric Hoffman – Holiday Inn Kent Island
  • Jody Schulz – Fisherman’s Inn / Crab Deck / Schulz Development

Supporting Members include representatives from community agencies and organizations.

Purpose & Intent:

The Committee was created to form a public/private partnership with travel and tourism stakeholders to provide countywide leadership in policy development, management, and competitiveness to ensure that Queen Anne’s County enjoys greater economic benefit from travel and tourism spending.

  • Provide feedback and recommendations to the Department of Economic and
    Tourism Development on projects and programs affecting tourism.
  • Communicate issues affecting the growth of tourism in the County.
  • Initiate research and share data in order to uncover trends in the travel and tourism industry.

Meeting Schedule:

TTAC meets regularly throughout the year. Currently, meetings are scheduled monthly and are held the second Tuesday of the month from 8:00 am – 9:30 am. Meetings are located in The Barrett Room, 425 Piney Narrows Road, Chester, MD 21619.

County Branding

In 2021 Queen Anne’s County officially launched its new brand “Where Shore Living Begins”.

We encourage our travel & tourism partners to participate in the brand and utilize it in their promotions. Contact us to learn more about how to utilize the brand in your promotional materials.


Visit Queen Anne's

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Website: Visit Queen Anne’s


Subscribe to our industry-specific email communications. We share information about what’s happening with tourism and how you can participate throughout the year.


Tourism Program

Reach out to our Marketing & Destination Development Specialist to learn more about how to get involved in our local travel & tourism program.

Marketing & Destination Development

April Plummer
[email protected]

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Where Shore Memories Begin